Nacrophoric Behavior of Insects and How Termidor Works

Nacrophoric Behavior of Insects and How Termidor Works Necrophoric behavior of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile (Mayr) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), and its implications for horizontal transfer of slow-acting insecticides 05“demonstrated that necrophoresis was an important behavior facilitating the horizontal transfer of fipronil.” Horizontal Transfer of Insecticides in Laboratory Colonies of the Argentine Ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)…

Using An Adjuvant To Get Better Pest Control

Penetration Adherence Spreadability Using An Adjuvant To Get Better Pest Control.

Penetration Adherence Spreadability Using An Adjuvant To Get Better Pest Control. Adjuvant Behavior Water droplet size Adherence Improved droplet coverage Reduces droplet surface tension droplet stays on the leaf Improve distribution on leaf surface Enhances penetration through cuticle Ajuvants Enhances Performance Herbicide Weed Control Fungicides Disease Control Insecticides Insect Control Fertilizer Absorption Shout Out Nicholas…