Ekbom’s Syndrome Delusional Parasitosis Delusions of infestation

The Belief that their home and bodies are infested with a bug From 1902 to 1938, case studies describing “parasitophobias” or “dermatological hypochondriasis”It was first methodically described in a case series by Karl-Axel Ekbom in 1938 where a delusion of parasitic infestations associated with tactile hallucinations as well as skin manifestations were present in postmenopausal…

robo call killer

Robo Call Killer How Do You Stop Spam Calls

Stephen Vantassel here well if control consultant bringing you another episode of living the wildlife wanted to talk today about spam phone calls yes I’m sure you hate them. They’re just annoying costing you time these are sometimes are machines just dialing your number bothering you are you’re on the latter driving your vehicle thinking that…