Do you think you can make more money on your own? Before you dive off the deep end lets discuss it! Common reasons people want to go out on their own to start their own business. You are not getting paid what your worth. You’re not appreciated. You are frustrated with you job, boss, company.…
Using IGR As Part Of Your Integrated Pest Management Program IGR’s are a great way to get and maintain control in a lot of circumstances and accounts It’s a great addition to Baiting programs Mosquito misting Food handling facilities Flea control Ornamental pests Why are IGR’s effective in control Since an IGR is specific to…
Using EDDM Every Door Direct Mail To Get Targeted Customers. Are you looking for easy low volume cost effective way to target the right customers for your pest control business. Then let me tell you about every door direct mail from the United States post office. Every door direct mail is the easiest way to…
Allergen Reduction Study Reveals How To Effectively Control German Roaches. An article published online on September 7 Cockroach Allergen Reduction by Cockroach Control Alone in Low-Income, Urban Homes-A Randomized Control Trial Allergen Reduction Study Reveals How To Effectively Control German Roaches An article published in US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health…
Adding Avert Dry Flowable Cockroach Bait Dust To Control More Roaches Background on Avert Used to be Prescription Treatment Now owned by BASF. Abamectin 0.05% Abamectin is a combination of avermectins containing 80% avermectin B1a and 20% avermectin B1b The avermectins are insecticidal or anthelmintic compounds derived from the soil bacterium Anthelmintics agents are used…