Looking for local pest control training in Florida here the top local pest control training in the State of Florida is a comprehensive list. Florida performs 20 percent the pest control in the county, With our unique climate Florida pest control technicians need local pest control training, CPCP Certified Pest Control Operators Assn of Florida,…
Stephen Vantassel here wildlife control consultant talking. Give me another episode of The Wildlife wanted to talk today about preparing for downtime. I know it’s on a very wildlife-related topic but the real but the fact of the matter is is that there are going to be as busy as people are. Life happens when…
As part of our effort to enhance your pest control training, we offer our online pest control training courses and we give you this list of other courses available online for your continued education. In Partnership With Mississippi State University to Continuing Education CEU’s The Certified Training Institute offer Agricultural Worker Safety Training (WPS) which is a mandated…
Stephen Vantassel here wildlife control consultant bringing you another episode of The Wildlife one to talk today about particular rodenticide it’s not going to be very well known to most of you because if you’re flushing if you’re dealing with pest control because this particular pesticide is only allowed now for use in below ground…
This is Jeff McGovern the past coach and I was just out in the field with a PMP from north Florida and we were working with a new foamer and I got to thinking you know maybe I need to talk a little bit about foam. There are different types of equipment we can do…