As part of our effort to enhance your pest control training, we offer our online pest control training courses and we give you this list of other courses available online for your continued education.

In Partnership With Mississippi State University to Continuing Education CEU’s The Certified Training Institute offer Agricultural Worker Safety Training (WPS) which is a mandated course for any business involved in growing, producing, or maintaining for sale agricultural plants. Businesses that stay updated on Worker Protection Training help their workers and handlers Reduce the risk of pesticide poisoning, Help business operation to run smoothly, Reduce the risk of liability lawsuits and Avoid federal civil penalties.
In 2016 Certified Training Institute partnered with Mississippi State University to bring the highest quality pesticide education to the entire nation. MSUES faculty and graduate students along with administrative staff have worked tirelessly to produce the highest quality online training option for applicators nationwide. CTI and MSUES are dedicated to the continued refinement and expansion of our online pesticide training curriculum. Thank you and we hope you enjoy our program.
Online Pest Control Courses are now approved in over 20 states and growing! They have courses for 16 states available now in Florida, Georgia, south Carolina, North Carolina, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Mississippi, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Montana and are adding the rest of the states as fast as we can.
Pest Management University (PMU) is a cooperative effort between the industry, University of Florida IFAS, and Department of Agriculture Consumer Services. We offer A unique team of experts committed to providing state-of-the-art hands-on and classroom, Free information that you can share with customers through our newsletter and posts, A path to Florida certification and CEU’s Continuing Education Units
All Star Training provides state-approved online continuing education and licensing courses for the following professions, Cosmetology & Barber, Electricians, Pest Control, Real Estate & Appraisal, Water Well, NON-CE Workplace Violence Prevention and Verbal De-Escalation, NON-CE Sexual Harassment Training for Managers and Employees.
Pested offers online classes to be certified to apply pesticides and fertilizers for Licensed or Certified Applicator who needs recertification CEUs, The specialize in online pesticide teaching, pesticide education, pesticide certification, pesticide licensing, and pesticide applicator recertification.
They are approved by Department of Agricultrure in Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut
Delaware, District Of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington State, West Virginia and Wyoming.
Free online Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Training from The UC Statewide IPM Program has a collection of free training modules available online. For Pest Management Professionals and Pesticide Applicators, Urban Pesticide Runoff and Mitigation, IPM A Solution for Reducing Pesticides / Water Quality, Maintenance Gardener Pesticide Applicator Exam Preparation Course will help maintenance gardeners prepare to take the California Department of Pesticide Regulation certified applicator (QAC) exam in category Q. For Retail Nurseries, Garden Centers and others who advise home gardeners about pests and pesticides, Introduction to Pesticides for Retail Employees provides training for employees and others who advise consumers about home and garden pesticides. Moving Beyond Pesticides—Environmentally Safe Tools for Use in an IPM Program for Retail Employees explains the best tools and products for solving pest problems. Some of the materials are available in Spanish.
Purdue University is a leader in technical education for the pest control industry for over 50 years, they offer pest management correspondence and online courses for pest management professionals and national pest management companies. With nearly every state in the country has approved one or more of the courses for certification or re-certification purposes. Developed by Perdue entomologists these are noncredit courses which provide the latest in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices.
At Pest Control Courses offers a variety of online, Texas, California, Virginia state-approved courses for certified applicators.
Pest Web ProTraining by Univar gives managers, technicians, and other pest management professionals the flexibility to advance their skills and capabilities with online training.
Builders Academy offers great program for people in Texas with ability to grow and succeed in a Professional Business! Become a State Licensed pest control professional in 30-90 days and Advance pest control expert in only 1 year! After a Year as a Technician and completion of 3-8 Hours CEU credit you are eligible to sit for the Certified Applicators Exam and become a Licensed Certified Applicator.
SAI Global offers online courses for effective pest management essential for any Food Safety Management System. If your are in QA Management, Production, Operations, In-house Housekeeping and Hygiene, Key Session Topics cover Pest Control in the Food Industry, Regulatory Aspects of Pest Control, Common Pests and Implementing a Pest Control Program
PCT Magazine offers online training, continuing education (CEU) credits in many states.
The Texas IPM Program online training course a part of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, offers the following courses and webinars Ants 101, Bats 101, IPM Basics, Texas School IPM Coordinator Crash Course, Mosquitoes 101, Pollinators 101, IPM for School Gardens 101, IPM for Texas Schools 101, Stinging Insects 101.