The state of Virginia has a pesticide licensing program that includes multiple categories and license types and exams. You must pass all exams for each category of the application that you will be operating under.
Testing will be performed by The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS)
Technicians must have 40 hours of supervised pest control training and completion of the Registered Technician Exam can be used in the place of the Licensed Commercial Applicator exam if you are to work for a bonded and licensed commercial structure pest control business.
How To Obtain A Virginia Pest Control Business License
A pesticide or pest control business license is required for any person or business that wants to operate a pest control business in Virginia, which, in order to charge for, sells, stores, distributes, mixes, applies or recommends pesticides.
A separate pest control business license is required for each and every office location.
How to Apply for a Pesticide Business License
- To Complete your Application for Virginia Pesticide Business License (pdf).
- A Certificate of Insurance is required showing a minimum of $100,000 for property damage, $100,000 for personal injury to or death of one person, and $300,000 per occurrence.
- Mail in the application, certificate of insurance and license fees to the address on the application.
- All applicants for a Pest Control Business License or their employee must also pass a written exam before being issued a business license. Request to take the Virginia Pesticide Business License Exam.
Annual Pest Control License Renewals
All pesticide business licenses will expire on March 31 of each year and must be renewed. An application for renewal will be sent annually to all licensed businesses.
Requirements of a Pest Control Business In Virginia
Licensed pest control businesses in Virginia are required to:
- Maintain written records for a period of 2 years of (a) all pesticide applied commercially and (b) any restricted use pesticide sold.
- Maintain the mandated insurance coverage.
- Employ a certified applicator who is responsible for the safe application of the pesticide or provides recommendations or the use of pesticides.
- Notify FDACS Virginia Department of Agriculture Consumer Services of any changes in business address, name, insurance coverage, or change in commercial applicator(s) assigned to each business location.
Virginia Pest Control License Types
Private Applicators
Private Applicators have the ability to:
- Apply restricted use pesticides
- Produce an agricultural commodity
- Apply pesticides on their own land or that of their employer
How to become a certified private applicator, You Must:
- Contact the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service for training materials.
- Apply to the Office of
Pesticide Services and take the Private Pesticide Applicator Exam.
- Take the exam on a touch-screen computer through your local Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Customer Service Center.
- Take the written exam at a VDACS testing center.
- Maintain your certifications by attending category-specific CEU recertification sessions every two years.
- Submit your completed renewal form to the Office of Pesticide Services every 2 years.
Additional Resources
Commercial Applicator
Commercial Applicators are those licensed to apply pesticides on others’ property for compensation. In order for you to operate as a commercial pesticide applicator you must work for a company with a valid Pesticide Business License.
How To Become a Certified Commercial Pesticide Applicator, You Must:
In order to become a Commercial Pesticide Applicator you must prove that you have experience and are trained in pesticide use.
- You must apply to the (Office
of Pesticide Services) to take the Commercial Pesticide Applicator Exam. You
will be permitted to take the exam if you can prove your qualifications by:
- You must have been a Registered Technician in Virginia for at least one year; or
- Offer the (Office of Pesticide Services) proof of satisfactory education, training or experience in pesticide use.
- Once you have received
your approval letter, there are two ways to take the Commercial Pesticide
Applicator Exam:
- You can take your exam on a touch-screen computer at any local Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Customer Service Center.
- Set an appointment to take the written exam at any VDACS testing center. Contact the local Office of Pesticide Services and schedule an exam appointment.
- Maintain your certification by attending category-specific CEU recertification session every 2 years.
- Present your completed renewal form to the Office of Pesticide Services every 2 years.
- Complete Commercial Pesticide Applicator Packet (pdf)
How To Become a Registered Technician In Virginia
Registered Technicians are those that operate under the supervision of a commercial applicator when applying restricted-use pesticides.
To Become a Certified Registered Technician, You Must:
- You must receive a minimum 40 hours of pest control training on the safe and proper application of pesticides under direct on-site supervision of a Certified Commercial Applicator.
- Apply to the Office of Pesticide Services and take the Registered Technician Exam.
- Once you receive your authorization
letter, there are 2 ways to take the exam:
- Take the exam on a touch-screen computer at any local Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Customer Service Center.
- Take the written exam at a VDACS testing center. Contact the Office of Pesticide Services to schedule an exam appointment.
- Maintain your certification by attending category-specific CEU recertification session every 2 years.
- Submit your renewal form to the Office of Pesticide Services every 2 years.
- Complete Registered Technician Packet (pdf)
The Virginia Pest Control License Categories
A Commercial Applicator must be certified in the category or categories matching the type of pesticide use practiced or supervised. Most Applicators will be required to be certified in a range of categories:
1A Agricultural Plant Pest Control: pesticides in the production of several agricultural crops, on grasslands, and non-crop agricultural land.
1B Agricultural Animal Pest Control: pesticides involving agricultural animals, places on or in which such animals are restricted, and control of pests directly involving such animals.
1C Fumigation of Soil and Agricultural Products: pesticides for the soil fumigation in the production of a agricultural commodity and/or for fumigation of agricultural products.
1D Chemigation: application of pesticides through irrigation systems.
2 Forest Pest Control: pesticides in forest, forest nurseries and/or seed orchards.
3A Ornamental Pest Control: pesticides in the production and/or care of ornamental trees, shrubs and flowers in and out-of-doors.
3B Turf: pesticides in the production and/or maintenance of turf on golf courses, residential lawns, parks and cemeteries.
4 Seed Treatment: for application of pesticides to seeds.
5A Aquatic Pest Control – General: . pesticides in or on standing or running waters to control pests, excluding those applicators engaged in activities relating to public health.
5B Marine Anti-Foulant Paints (TBT): marine antifoulant paints containing tributyltin. Persons desiring to become certified in this sub-category are exempt from the core exam for commercial applicators.
6 Right-of Way Pest Control: pesticides in the care of public rights-of-way such as roads, electric power lines, telephone lines, pipelines and railways; and in the care of fence lines, structural perimeters and other similar areas.
7A General Pest Control: pesticides to control general household pests, including pests that infest structures, stored products, and residential food preparation areas, and pests that infest or contaminate food at processing in food processing facilities. This includes treatment of food processing areas and control of vertebrate structural invaders.
7B Wood-Destroying Pest Control: pesticides other than fumigants to control pests that destroy structures made of or containing wood.
7C Fumigation (Non-Agricultural): pesticides to control pests in different structures
and items other than soils and raw agricultural commodities.
Vertebrate Pest Control (Excluding Structural Invaders): pesticides to manage vertebrate pest animals
outside of human dwellings or other structures.
7E Sewer Root Control: pesticides, especially those containing metam sodium, a restricted use pesticide RUP, to control roots in sewer lines.
8 Public Health Pest Control: pesticides to manage or manage pests of medical significance that pose a risk to public health. Federal, state and local employees that are involved in public health pest control are included in this category.
9 Regulatory Pest Control: pesticides by federal, state and local governmental employees to control regulated pests.
10 Demonstration and Research Pest Control: for individuals, including federal, state and local government workers, who teach proper pesticide use, application techniques, and/or make pesticide suggestions; for research application of pesticides in field plots. Persons certified in this category must be educated in the competency standards required of commercial applicators in the category or categories appropriate to the type of pesticide application(s) being suggested, studied or demonstrated.
11 Aerial Pesticide Application: for application of a pesticide by fixed-wing or rotary-wing aircraft.
12 Wood Preservation and Wood Products Treatment: pesticides for wood treatment plants and sawmills for preservation of wood and wood products by pressure, dipping, soaking and/or diffusion processes to safeguard the wood and wood products from damage by insects, fungi, marine borers and/or weather.
Reciprocity Of Pest Control Experience In Virginia
The State of Virginia makes case by case determination for nonresidents who are licensed or certified in another state or by a federal agency.