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And now for today’s topic I got on the phone Jim Gorman corporate V.P. of Marketing for Nisus Corp.. Hey welcome to the podcast. Thank you so much. Thanks for having me. Yeah man. So I understand a lot of things are going on. You guys are getting hit with the floods and a lot of homes are getting damaged. And you know we talk you know you’ve got you’ve contacted us about discussing what you guys could do to help. And a lot of guys are going to probably be hurting and you know being on hold for some of this stuff and what you guys can do for them. So I think it’s an awesome opportunity. Just tell us a little bit about you and a little bit about your company.

Nisus Corporations is Americas Premier New Home Pre Treatment Solution
That way people who don’t know about you can know well Nisus corporations has been around since 1989 and our first product was born here and more care was developed as a log home preservative and then the inventor by Dietrich found that it killed insects and killed termites and so he registered it as pesticide.
And as you know today Boracare is the number one termite pre treatment in the nation. We’ve probably got about a 45 percent market share of new construction homes that are treated using Boracare. And so far it’s been a great right. Now we have a full line of products for pest control. We have a division that sells chemicals into the wood preservation industry. So we have copper naphtha Nate that is a replacement for Creosote and pentacle or a phenol. And so we have that and we’re starting hopefully we’ll start another division this year. So that’s kind of exciting.
Nisus has been part of the flood recovery effort
So but Nisuss has been part of the flood work really since Katrina. And our company was on the ground after the Ninth Ward flooded and training pest companies how to go in and disinfect because as you know when there’s flood waters those flood waters are not just nice clean water that it’s they’ve got a lot of toxic elements in you know grudges flood all sorts of things that you know release things into that flood water. And you also have a high level of E. coli and things like that. So one of the things that we saw is that people didn’t understand that they really needed to protect themselves when they were doing clean out and they needed to disinfect the structure. So we talked pest control companies to do that. Then we showed them how to apply borer care with mold care which kills mold and helps prevent mold from growing back to the structure to the wood in the structure. And then of course whenever there’s a flood termite treatments have to be reapplied as well.
So we we have gone down into these areas and you know starting with Katrina there was a number of companies down there who’s really lost the majority of their customers and they didn’t have things for their employees to do. And so by getting this program setting up and helping them help their community rebuild we were able to help these companies put their employees back to work and we’ve had a couple of guys tell us that you know we really saved their companies.
So but then as the you know more floods came. Baton Rouge was another one and we were down there in Houston we were down there and Knoxville has had some flooding in the last week or so just from a heavy rain event. We’ve got a small number of house is flooded compared you know like maybe 800 homes that have been flooded. But it was you know we probably had one hundred and forty roads closed at one point in time.
So it’s. And it’s still that the water is still receding we’ve still got probably 40 roads that are closed that you can’t get past. So we this is the first time we’ve kind of dealt with this in our backyard. That’s right. Generally what happens is when they’re when there’s a flood in the area we go down we work with distribution to set up meetings. We have the past companies come in.
We train them on flood remediation we train them on mold. Some guys want to do some of this work themselves some guys want to just work with other providers so they want to work with construction companies or cleanup companies. You know companies like serve pro who go in and clean out a structure and dry a structure then the pest company can come in and apply borer care with mold care to the structure when it’s when it’s ready to be treated.
Gotcha. So yeah let’s go. Let’s go back because you mentioned about because there’s a couple of avenues here. From what I see I mean it’s obviously a tragedy when this happens but you know if you can go in and solve a problem I think that is the plus of having these guys who know how to do a lot of these things already but you’re talking about decontamination and we don’t even consider that right.
Things to consider when your home is affected by a flood
I mean a guy who doesn’t do this for a living like me I’m not in that arena. You know I’m not considering that decontamination of a property is gonna be necessary and who’s gonna do it. And yeah. So what do you what would you do in that situation how would you contaminate a property.
Well we we actually develop this product called the DSV which is a disinfectant sanitizer and virus. That’s what DSV stands for. And we actually developed step for Katrina because we had you know we saw that there were some serious issues there and we needed something that could be a broad spectrum disinfectant but also would kill viruses because a lot of times there’s viruses in the in the floodwater as well.
And so one gallon a DSV makes 64 gallons of solution. And so that product is is you go into the structure before you start cleaning it out and you basically just soak everything down with the DSV and then once you’ve cleaned the structure out then you go back again and pretty much hit everything that’s been flooded with the DSV. And that gives you kind of a clean environment to start to rebuild.
And it’s it’s similar to what we deal with in pest control. You know the guy goes into an area where he’s got a bad bird infestation. He’s got all these bird droppings. Well you can disinfect that area before you start the cleanup. And then after the cleanup as well. Same thing with that go on up and you know rodent droppings all of that kind of stuff. So things like virus and avian flu and those kind of things can be you can protect your workers.
Yeah. One of the things that I you know I saw and I seen it on a couple of remodeling shows where they’re going in and they’re doing after like a damage like this. And they’re going in with no suit no respirator nothing in there. And I’m like you know that that doesn’t look right. You know you’re like not smart.
No. I mean you need to be like. I mean I tell you buddy there’s no way I’m crawling in a lot of attics bases in crawl spaces without a suit because I don’t know what’s down there.
Yeah but I mean this is one of those things that people that do pest control in a lot of people don’t know this that you have to go in first decontaminated before you send a crew in to start pulling stuff out and you know where the protection that they’re going to need. And you know that one’s you know to me I mean a lot of people wouldn’t know this. I mean I got a lot of clients that you know start doing stuff on their own they’re going to hurt themselves or hurt somebody else or a dog that is you know an awesome thing to know. And so so yeah.
Protecting your health and safety during a flood cleanup
So now you go in and you basically you know whoever does the cleanup the company comes in does it clean out whoever it is. And then now you have to deal with treating the studs again or whatever. What’s that process like what do you what do you do there.
Well what what we’ll usually do is a you know immediately as soon as soon as you have access and the place is cleaned out you can apply for a care with Mulcaire and you don’t even have to wait for the wet to dry as a matter of fact the borates migrate into the wood based on moisture.
So even if the wood is wet it’s great to just hit it right away because then you stop and you know these houses may sit for a very long time. I mean we’ve you know we’ve even had some that sat for so long the guys had to go in and do a second application after you know three months just to make sure that mold wouldn’t grow until they got the house squared away.
So you know the that that treatment is done and then the board care treatment which is the termite treatment is a two foot and more care with more care is a five to one delusion. But when you’re doing termites you have to have a one to one delution.
So you’ll just take regular more care one to one and do that to flip pan treatment than you can here. Here’s one of the big problems that we saw in Baton Rouge is that then you have to wait for that house to dry. So you’ve had to put you know the fans in. You’ve
Got to put the dehumidifiers in and you’ve got to bring that wood down to about 19 percent or lower moisture content so you can’t close up those walls until you’ve got that moisture content down where it needs to be. And one of the there’s a there’s a company down in Louisiana Baton Rouge whose who did a lot of work in Katrina has done a lot of work in Baton Rouge and they’ve had to go back on literally hundreds of houses that other customers or that other companies would close up to Wall for the wood was dry and all of a sudden those people have mold growing in their walls you know. So they’ve paid to have their house repaired but they didn’t make sure it was dry before it was closed up.
They trap the moisture in the walls mold starts growing and the walls starts growing right through the sheetrock through the drywall. Right. So you can imagine how frustrating that is for a family. So part of what we do we really do two things. One we go down and and we try to train pest control companies on how to do this and how to do it correctly.
And then secondly we try to do community outreach you know through media and television and talk to people and let them know that hey you’ve got to make it make sure that that moisture content of the wood is 19 percent or below before you close those walls. And that takes some time sometimes.
Right. And what do we do with a home now that had you know gee somebody just did a termite treatment you know six months ago and now it got flooded and that termite treatment needs to be repeated. You don’t know you so you didn’t need to do that again you definitely do.
And usually we try to work with the Department of AGs and get them to put out a notice to homeowners so that they don’t have Christy you know that that’s the last thing homeowners kind of think about when they’re dealing with the flood. But it’s important that they did it because you’ve got all that moisture in the ground and that makes the home very susceptible.
Right right right. So they need to read whatever was done is basically washed away and it needs to be redone again. What what are the concerns. I mean I don’t know if this is your area of specialty or not if you deal with this but with the issue of flooding termite treatments and the issue with you know with soil and water as far as an environmental concern there is is there an alternate solution. Is there anything else people can do as far as because I know you guys deal with termites in wood and wood the WD the videos. What what are the alternatives there.
Is there anything else that needs to be done as far as for termites.
Yeah well you know obviously if you if you have soil termite asides then you know those are going to be washed away. Right.
And then you know soil termite decides need to be reapplied at a pretty regular basis Boric air because it is a inorganic mineral salt the active ingredient is actually a mineral salt once borer care is applied to the wood it remains in the wood for the life of the wood unless the wood is exposed to a flood and then a flood then some of that boy will reach out and you will have to go back and reapply got in. And if you use bait stations it’s the same way those baits patients become ineffective at higher flooding.
And even if you can find them you know sometimes there’s so much junk that’s washed on top right. You wouldn’t even be able to find them again. So in any case it’s you know those things have to be done. Now we have a lot of people who do multiple treatments you know we’ll have people who would do balk air treatment on House and then use bait stations and we’ve even got some large you know custom home builders who actually do all three.
They don’t do a soil and they’ll do a more accurate treatment or more care Boracare whole house treatment as a preventative. Right. And then they might use paid stations especially when you get into for most scenarios when you get into foremost an area that you pretty much have to have a whole house bore care and board care with mold your treatment in order to protect the structure is just like dry wood termites who can make an aerial attack on a home for most rooms can do that as well.
Right. Is there any thing that the pest control people can do in a situation like this as far as you know them coming together in activism or some type of you know whether it’s with National Pest Management Association or their local association. What is being done in those situations and how do the people get involved and get everybody informed.
Well what what we see what we see in the cases. You know that I mean the flood we’re dealing with it Knoxville is relatively small so it’s not going to get that type of big attention. But like what we’ve saw in Houston and Baton Rouge the NPM a comes together and takes donations. There’s a number of press companies who come from other areas to help out and to provide additional labor. A lot of the manufacturers including us make donations to the flood victims in those areas. So our industry you know really steps up to the plate when there’s these these type of things going on.
And the other thing that I think we do a good job of is you know we we kind of make sure that people are doing the right thing. And I’ve seen a lot of peer pressure be applied to a company that wanted to take shortcuts and the other thing is you know like in Baton Rouge we had so many out-of-state companies that come in and try to do repairs. A big part of this is really getting out and telling people hey you can’t close up those walls until you reach this 19 percent moisture content. And if you do you’re going to have to do this job over again.
So and everybody kind of works hard to make sure that that information gets out to the consumers because you know the guys who might be coming in just trying to do as many jobs as they can. They’re not too concerned about that because they’re going to move to the next area where there’s a problem and they’re not going to stay the pest control companies are here to stay. And we’re here to make sure that customers are treated correctly and customers get what they need. And you know we’re here to help people not not hurt them right. You know we’re here for the long haul so that’s kind of a nice thing but we’ve really seen and we’ve seen the distributors come together and you know how our distributors are extremely competitive and very territorial. And in a lot of these cases we’ve seen the distributors say hey we’re eating we need to do a meeting together and we’ll do one big training session and all the distributors to be there. So that’s that’s always been you know that’s been a great thing to see.
Pest Control Products Created By Nisus
You know I did that is totally awesome. Is there something anything else that we need to know. Any a by the way anything you coming down the pike is I mean I know all the listeners want to know about anything you coming down. We have some. We have a couple of products in the work but I can’t. They’re not things that I can really talk about. Yeah. OK. Good to know. Yeah yeah.
But we do have some good ones and and I tell you what I’ll tell Lindy to let you know when we can’t talk about him and we’ll give you guys a call and kind of run through. Absolutely. That would be that would be fun. I would say we do have there. There is one thing that we’ve got going that is you know kind of been building very steadily and it’s not so much a product as a methodology that we have created for dealing with small slides in commercial kitchens. And one of the problems with those small flies is that they can breed and all of these little areas and you’ve probably seen it when you’ve gone into even a very nice restaurant you’ll go and you’ll see those small flies and a lot of times they’re living in the drains.
And we’ve developed a protocol and some equipment that you can use to foam the drains and it closes the drain and just pumps foam down in the drain past the p trap. And the product we use is nigh bawdy. And what nobody does is that application will kill the flies but at the same time it will take all that gunk and grime that’s there and turn it into an insecticide bait. So when you foam all these things in a commercial kitchen and you foam the cracks and crevices in the drains and the wall voids and the soda drains and all that type of stuff then what happens is you know you kill anything that’s there but then you also turn all of that. My my new food debris into a bait. And so we are getting control in places where people have never been able to great control.
Yes. So that that has been really great. I had one of our guys we had one customer who had a big ballpark bar right next to a bar right next to a ballpark. Giant bar lots of open windows and doors dumpsters outside the open doors. They had a huge small fly problem and the customer was sending two technicians every single week to work this basically to try to keep on top of the small fly problem. We went in there with them. We go in with the PMP and would do the treatment. We show them how to do it and so forth and so they went from having two technicians a week but not having a callback for 40 days so that that’s huge. Yeah. As far as labor savings and so forth but we’ve we’ve kind of thrown this out and we’ve said hey give us your toughest small fly problem and our tackle go with you and we’ll solve it. And we haven’t been beat yet.
Yeah. No that’s exactly. I was just doing a training conference yesterday and the guys asked me you know after topic we were talking about landscaping. What do I do about small flies as a guy birdie in the SB you know. That’s it. MAN That’s my solution. That’s what we use in all our facilities government because it is an eco friendly option. I mean it’s much more eco friendly than trying to put you know pie wreath roads everywhere to solve this problem. Yes you’re not dealing with the drain everybody’s like well we’re using you know pie Rotherham fogging and you know we’re doing this the upper you’re not dealing with the drain problem you’re mad you’re not you so you’re not finding the harbor bridge and that’s what you’ve got to do.
Yeah and the tiles and the loose tiles and the water and they’re hosing it down and all those little areas you tell people you gotta deal with all that you know mop the thing down and that’s it. And when you when you turn it into a bait it’s like well next time they try to come in there and they try to lay eggs and they try to you know feed on it it kills them.
So yeah it’s been it’s been a pretty a pretty great solution and it’s it’s really grown dramatically and man helped a lot of companies we had a bakery that they they were open basically 24/7. I mean they closed down for like you know I think like four or five hours on Sunday night and you know they the next guy came in and he said look you’ve got to clean this. I mean underneath the equipment there was just huge amounts of grease. And he said we’re not shutting down. So you know either you solve the problem or we’ll hire somebody else and it went well you know the guy’s already gone through five pest control company and in no time and you know he’s. And that’s what you’re seeing you’re seeing a lot of companies that either either refuse or just don’t do a very good job of cleaning. And when that happens you know that that’s what you get. But now we went in and did that treatment and the guy came in on Monday morning and the employers were sweeping up thousands of cockroaches of thousands of cockroaches all over the place. So you know it it they solved the problem even though the customer was not doing what they should. Right.
Right now. Yeah yeah there’s always finding a way around that and that’s and that’s the the ticket there. But no yeah I love that know we use that product extensively we carry that on the trucks and both products because that you know that’s the that’s awesome. And you know you don’t want another product that people don’t know a lot about but I use it for my American roaches and I love it and it’s magnetic and it doesn’t get a lot of attention yeah yeah. That’s a 33 percent. Boric acid bait.
It was actually developed and in Chicago by a guy who is doing pest control for public housing up there and he wanted something that he could put out that he could put out once a year is a really powerful control for the cockroaches. And so he developed that formula. We bought it from him a few years ago in the you know how you you normally see the debate in the syringes which we have for magnetic roach bait but we also have these jars and a lot of the companies apply it with the jar they just seize a putty knife and they go into wet walls and they go into areas you know where the dumpsters and things like that and they’ll put that out in that that they built a business on floor once a year treatment in some pretty rough environments and then they would just you know take care of callbacks and magnetic Roach paint doesn’t ever dry out it doesn’t ever get hard. So you know it’s it’s a great great product from that standpoint.
Yeah. Yeah I just I like all that. I didn’t know that it didn’t get hard. Let me ask you this. So are they were they using this for mostly American roaches or Germans to no Germans to Germans to Ernst. Yeah cause I know I know I discussed with Harry a while back I said you know I really want a 100 percent boring type of service for certain environments that refused to have synthetics. And I know he was working on it and I think you’re right did you guys already completed that that PDA protocol on for which using your products so what is it.
It’s basically magnetic with fiber DNA and and night in and night. Yeah okay yeah yeah I bet my van is granular got you in granular four because I know I’ve read a couple of studies on it where they did do use Nai Nai van for a memory of a German cockroach and that was that was good. We’re trying to get get a couple of protocols like that together and I know a lot of the guys out there who are wanting to do eco friendly pest control.
Yeah that’s an awesome option to do something that we had we had this we had this super nest of cockroaches up in New York state and this guy had he had it he had a big trench you know a big valley on a piece of property and for years he would just put stumps in there and I mean for probably 20 years he just threw stumps and wood and everything like that and then he put dirt over the top of it and was going to use the property Well the neighbors around there a super nest of cockroaches formed down in that area with all the stumps because he got off the stumps that are rotting you got all that heat generated by him you’ve got all those pockets of space and the cockroaches were just crazy infesting all the neighbors around this piece of property. And so we got called in and then basically what we did you know how sometimes you put those little you know how when you’re trying to find out how many cockroaches you put those paint cans with some Vaseline on the inside put some beer in and then put them out there just to see how heavy the population was. Jeez those things were just overflowing roaches. So I mean it was just enormous and what we did is we just took a number of sites down there and we drilled down and we just made all these different places where we were just putting that nice banned bait into the into the area and we were able to get control.
We weren’t we weren’t able to eradicate because it was so big we couldn’t really get into every little corner of it but we were able to get enough bait into the thing where we got control of it and it stopped being a problem for neighbors. But you know I mean this thing was probably a half mile long. Wow. Yeah. So we know what works and then and then the other thing that is I’ve always really liked about my band is that up at the the Central Park Zoo has an aviary and they had a huge cockroach problem in the aviary and they would put down you know granules but the birds would eat the granules and they would die. And so we started using Niven up there and we quickly got control the birds actually don’t eat and mean we did it test not too long ago for one of the government agencies and the birds really just don’t eat and band. But even if they did eat it it doesn’t kill them because the way my band kills is insects can’t excrete liquids. All other animals can. So if we get too much you know you get boron in your system we need a salad and it’s a micro nutrient.
And so you actually need a certain amount of boron in your system because it’s if you look at a multivitamin there’s little bits of boron in there cause that’s part of what we need and plants need it. So it’s you know it’s part of nature but if we get too much born in our system we excrete it through our kidneys within 24 hours. But insects can’t excrete liquid so they can’t get rid of boron and when boron builds up in their system it basically there’s two big molecules ones called N A D and one called DHEA. And when those two molecules hooked together they make in a D.H. which is the big molecule that breaks down sugar. And so when you load up an insect with boron boron attaches to DNA D so they can’t make that big N A.D.H.D molecule and they can’t break down sugar. And so they basically starved to death even though they’re eating everything seems to be working fine but they can’t get any energy from their food but also because that molecule never gets made it can’t mutate. And so for 2000 years Boris has been an effective pest control measure that you know they have not been able to develop resistance against it and they won’t be able to because resistance is usually when those big protein molecules mutate.
Also if it never gets made can’t mutate. Wow. Got it. Okay. Yeah. Yeah it’s pretty neat.
Yeah I know. I mean you always wonder you know what we want to write. Well how does you know the boric acid work and you know we we’ve used it and we kind of understand it but a lot of people like Oh did you know it didn’t understand the mode of action because it’s not one of those hot topics. You know everybody looking for the latest thing and I’ll keep it like going back to like you know hey some of this stuff still works. You know there’s no resistance but if it isn’t new and it isn’t sexy people aren’t considering it. We’re always looking for that new residual product that’s going to save the industry.
And you know we neglect a lot of stuff a lot of those products over the years do. I mean there’s some great great products out there.
But you know one of the things we’ve just seen is that this is a you know this is a good underpayment to any program that you’re running especially with you know nigh ban is such a great maintenance base. You know you just go a perimeter treatment around the house and you know it’s there for a chance it’s there for cockroaches and especially early in the spring you know like we also use are dominant which is liquid and bait when you put out nigh ban and you put out dominant early in the spring. As soon as those nest start to develop they’re out looking for food and and you get control early in the spring you’re saving the population you know you’re reducing the population all year when you get that control early in the spring and that just makes your job a lot easier.
Yeah. Let’s talk a little bit about because you brought up an interesting most of the time we don’t consider Boric Baits or borate Baits for and control and what what species of ants have you found that the nigh ban is effective for all a bunch of them.
Well I guess I think the thing is too. It depends on you know what what the aunt needs because as you know you know some days aunts want carbohydrates some days right want sugar. Some days they want liquid and so you know one of the important things is just having that out there for him. So nice band has protein it has carbohydrates it has sugars and it has a lot of attractions as well you know just food great attractions that are delicious.
And so we we see we see a lot of a lot of control but it’s not it’s not always what they’re looking to eat. You know we hear that that’s one of the that’s one of the issues. But you know I’ve been I’ve been using my van around my house for the last 15 years you know and just you know once a month I walk around the house and my neighborhood and that’s pretty much all I do. Yeah. So it’s it’s definitely a great product.
On the dominant that you guys have exterior stations four dominant Yeah. Yeah there’s a little little snap stations that you you just snap them and they open up so you don’t have to cut them with scissors and they’re sold in boxes of 32. Gotcha. And and that is a five point four percent. And oh man. And I just love that they just love it. I mean they’ll take that over you know over Candy. They’ll take it over. You know I’ve had aunts in the hummingbird feeders you know anywhere you find the trail.
You just lay several of those down and depending on the size of the colony you know like I’ve got a I’ve got a mulch pile out back and I’ll get big odorous House Hance nest there every year. And you know once they hit the house I’ll just put out you know six little dominance stations and you know they’re all over him and usually they’ll empty one of them completely and I’ll put another one in and that pretty much holds the problem. But you know if you’ve got those big colonies even you wipe out the colony there’s still another colony they’ll come and take its place after it was Wow.
Yeah yeah yeah yeah. But we’ve seen we’ve seen good success with a lot. And one of the one of the aunts that’s really tough to get sometimes is Carpenter aunts and so Carpenter answer very attracted to my band and it’s a great way to knock amount so you’ve got a carpenter and you see something you know it’s the source is a woodpile. You just you know apply nice and all around that woodpile and it definitely will take care of the problem.
Got it. Got it.
No no. Yeah I definitely big fan. I mean you guys are one of my favorite companies in the whole world.
Oh man. I like to hear that
Yeah. Know it is because of you know we we are down here in Miami. You know we’re we’re really one of like three you know companies that really focus on being natural organic eco friendly. That’s our main thing. And we do a lot of work with organics but there’s not a whole lot in the marketplace for indoor use for controlling a lot of these problems that are our natural organic that can be used indoors. You know right. We use the a ton of essential oils in our landscapes but nobody wants that inside the house.
And what we found is the berry products that we use from you are a lot of solutions for a lot of these clients because that’s our major solution. You know so you know that’s one of the things that I love about your you’re really unique in the marketplace because you focus on these bore rates and developing boring products that sort of multiple problems that nobody’s doing.
So I think on.
I think on an interior basis what we see a lot is you know people will go in and they’ll use. They’ll use my band too as a bait. Under the under the kitchen cupboards right behind the stove though those kind of areas they will pull off the light socket or the power the plugs and dust into the wall voids dust into the plumbing penetrations and then up in the bathrooms where sometimes you’ll see silver fish they’ll put nice boards. And I bought my band f g it up under the coverage there and that is a great great way to control surfaces. There’s not much out there that really controls silver finish and not be an FTD. It’s a great job of that. And then we have a lot of people who dust attics and that type of stuff with knives or D and you know you you really lay down a great foundation when you can get dust into those inexact inaccessible areas. You know the song fits the wall voids the plumbing penetrations and then you know you use your bait to target those key parts that get in there.
Yeah yeah. No definitely that you know we do it in that we treat crawl spaces. We’ve got a lot of crawl spaces here we don’t. And so we have to treat them. We get a lot of issues with Americans down there. So we use a lot of the then I banned in those areas. So let me ask you a question as far as mold. I know that issue baits are issue with mold on the night ban. Talk to me a little bit about you know the how long does this usually last on outside things like that with with you know dealing with issues with humidity and water because I know a lot of baits get damaged with humidity and water right. How do you.
And really a lot a lot get damaged with sunlight. There’s a lot of actors that right they’re exposed to sunlight. They degrade immediately so naive and does not degrade in heat it does not degrade in sunlight and it will actually remain active have enough to kill even three or four inches of rain. Right.
So it’s a great quarterly pain from that standpoint and because of the boric acid will actually stop the pain from molding and you know that’s one of the problems that you know if you put out a bait and it’s very humid environment the paint will start to mold and because of the act is now Bambi doesn’t mold.
Right. So that’s yeah that’s because it’s a huge advantage for us down here in Florida where you know the humidity is always at 90 percent even right.
Right. Even in Christmas you know we’ll have 98 percent humidity.
We don’t know well we people call me and tell me you know we’re snowed out it’s winter. I’m like What is this winter you speak of. I have no idea.
We have no clue what they’re talking about we’re clueless down here. So yeah.
So that’s been you know one of the things that finding products that work for us in our environment. And I said those are the things that we’ve been using we carry pretty much everything that you sell other than termite stuff because we don’t we’re not into termites but we pretty much carry the products and that that is.
That is a huge competitive advantage for us to be able to. And it’s a learning curve because you’ve got to learn to do things differently and most people just you know want to spray something and we’re like now. It takes a while to get it done but we don’t have to. You know for the clients who don’t want it you know we have clients we absolutely refuse synthetics on their property. And you know that that’s growing that’s a growing market because most more more and more people are demanding and that’s the reason we got into it because we saw the demand although it’s a small demand. You know maybe 4 percent of the market right now but it is growing and that you know that that it serves a real niche in the marketplace. So if anybody’s list right. I don’t know if anybody listens to this podcast so I got him you know.
So I’ve just you know we’re putting it out there kind of like you know there’s if there’s life out there somewhere you know we’re here.
You know so. So that’s it but yeah.
Any anything you want to add Jim I mean your gracious thank you for your time. You know anything that I didn’t ask you that you wish you could have told me about that would be beneficial No.
I think we I think we covered an awful lot of bases. You know I would say that when you’re in those crawl spaces you know look for mold and decay fungi to start there because you know that high moisture content in crawlspace is a lot of times you’ll get that. And so we have a lot of guys who will by the Board Care with Mulcaire and crawl spaces to kill the mold. And people would from decaying because obviously decaying wood is much more attractive to termites and wood boring beetles and all that type stuff as well. So we did we did a lot. We did launch a wood boring Beatles dot.com Web site to kind of help educate people on what boring beetle damage and how to treat for that. And Borick here is really a great treatment for wood boring beetles because it will actually penetrate the wood you can spray the surface and then it will actually penetrate the wood and and you know you still have you’ll still have beetles emerge but they won’t be able to reinvest.
Gotcha. I just want to put up a link to that wood boring Beatles dot.com wood boring beetles that come perfect I’m going to put a link to that in the podcast so people can access them.
Yeah that would be great. Yeah. Awesome.
Yeah it’s a good resource. We just trying to make it. It’s really. We tried to make something for consumers so that they would go and see and they would kind of understand and tell him to hire a pest company and all that kind of stuff.
No excellent that is that is awesome. Yeah. We get a lot of homeowners that are starting to listen to this podcast and property managers and people so we’re trying to reach out to people and try to you know see what we can do to link everybody up together.
Well you know the other thing is is that you know when you think about our industry you know our industry has gotten very sophisticated as our industry has gotten very intelligent about the way they go about business about the way they treat and you know and I think it’s important the more information we get out there and the more people understand that you know you know you see a bug and you know a homeowner sees a bug and they want to kill that bug and they might go out get a spray or they a farmhouse or whatever but a pest control professional who’s gonna be the guy who goes and finds the problem right. You know they you see one but there’s probably a hundred.
Yeah yeah. We’re going to go find the Andre.
Yeah they’re dealing with the symptom not not the actual cause and exact. And then that’s just a common thing.
I get customers call me you know I’ve put the pills I put the Fosters you know we’ve done the fume bombs we’ve we’re at our wits end we don’t know what else to do. And that’s usually the time they break down and call me because they’ve already done it. Then I go in and I find dust and boric acid and pills everywhere you know all over the place. And that does more damage to them than I will probably do in the next 20 years of providing their service. So they’re they’re putting a lot of they’re themselves at risk by thinking that over counter products by mis applying them they’re not going to have a problem.
And and that’s where the professional comes in and doesn’t have to you know literally you know tenth this whole house to try to solve the problem they can solve the problem you know by going straight to that source so hopefully we can get the word out to everybody and you know everybody works together on this to to educate the client.
You know I was born in the 70s I don’t know when you were born but I was born in 1970 and I remember the size seems out of your size seems from New York.
He used to own CBS men’s clothing and you know an educated consumer is our best customer and absolute.
And that is what we’re going after trying to educate the consumer to understand what a real professional pest control service should look like so that they can get the best person they can. And there’s hundreds of thousands of them in this country that can do the job so I.
Jim I thank you so much for this and for coming on and helping us out and giving us this great content for our listeners our people Web site is what nice is that come nicest corp that ISIS us c o r p.
Yeah perfect. And then they can go in there and look at all these products online and they’re pretty well sold to where we are that.
And then we also have nice is that TV and that’s where we host all our videos.
Oh excellent so I’m going to put off. Let me put a link to that too nice.
Yeah just how nice is that TV not TV. Excellent. Yeah. Perfect. That’s great.
Well Frank I really enjoyed talking to you.
Yeah. Thanks so much. We’ll do it again. Tell tell Harry to send some barbecue OK.
Yeah. And I you know he may.
He makes me hungry I’m on this diet I lost 20 pounds and then he keeps posting stuff about barbecue so not fair.
Yeah well it it’s funny cause you know once once you’ve had Harry’s barbecue then you kind of use that as the measuring stick for everybody else.
I know. I mean I see that guy waiting. He’s winning all these awards and everything and he says the amazing now we’ll see.
Yeah that’s good. It’s not Harry’s but it’s good.
Yeah excellent man. Well I’ll let you go and you have a great one. And again thank you so much for coming on.
All right. Thanks. All right. Have a great week. Bye bye.
All right.
We hope you have enjoyed this edition of the pesky podcast. Until next time
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