Are You Breeding Competitors?
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David Ward — 5 star Best podcast out there by miles, loads of information and feel like I’m learning alot, eagerly await each new episode. Cheers for the shoutout on the latest.
Empire Pest Control @EmpireControl Empire Pest Control Helping London and Home Counties to become pest free.
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Book of The Week
5 levels of leadership by John Maxwell
Good to Great by Jim Collins
Bayer Monsanto Merger is a done deal
Main Topic
Are you breeding competition or developing leaders.
“Give enough people what they want and you will have what you want” Zig Ziglar
Why we got in TO PEST CONTROL
Pest control is not considered a career. It’s a job people stumble upon.
Pest control as a vocation that can only be learned through an apprenticeship. Unlike an electrician, plumber or hvac, mechanic there are no schools churning out pest control techs.
Most people in pest control have little more than a high school degree, if you are not going to get an MD or Ph.D. Then you want a career that will allow you to grow personally.
Most of us got into pest control because we needed a job.
The top three things most pest control techs want.
They want quality training. Top level to make them the best.
They want support. Management exists to serve them not the other way around.
They want to be listened too. They are on the front lines they hear things.
They want to work for an organization with a vision to do something great in the world that gives them passion, prestige, purpose.
Support staff are they self serving thinking nothing happens until they ok it, support staff are there to support the front lines, in order to serve the customer best, most support people behave as if systems, protocols and procedures are in place to satisfy their desire for control instead of empowering others to be successful billing gets their panties in a twist because a customer calls because they don’t understand the bill, accounts payable feels that vendors should design billing around them.
Hostile and toxic environments
Owners tolerate toxic people because they feel they can’t replace them, allow employees to get away with murder because of fear and destroy moral.
Reward the behavior you want
If you want reduced call backs then train on the best procedures, provide customer support, monitor and qualify then reward the everyone that achieves, work with those that need improvement and fire slackers who make everybody else look bad and drag down the moral.
Are you investing in top level training compensating people on achieving new skills
Everyone claims to have professional technicians but can they back it up and prove it again their contemporaries.
Do you have a training program in place if not here is a good one.
Perdue courses
Every time they pass a class you reimburse them for the tuition and give them a raise, send an email to all your customers informing them on their techs success. Build up your people’s in the eyes of the client.
Level 1 Tech
Level 2 Tech
Level 3 Tech
Master Technician
Upon completion of the course through a graduation party for them.
Encouraging, acknowledging , Celebrating and rewarding achievements. Or are you stifling it because of your own fears and insecurities.
Associate Certified Entomologist ACE Certification
If your cheap boss won’t train you, won’t pay to send you to training and won’t pay for your classes, then pay for your own classes get the knowledge and go offer your experience and your knowledge to someone who will appreciate it.
Pest World is October 18-21, 2016 Location Washington Convention Center/Sheraton Seattle Hotel Seattle, WA why can’t they record that conference on audio and video and sell it online I would pay the price of admission for it.
Austin Frishman Centennial Lecture
Understanding generation motivations
Different generations expect difference things from a job.
Leadership what we think we know, understand are at odds with what we practice.
Leadership levels
Level 1 you have the title and people must do what you say because you’re the boss.
Level 2 people follow you even if your not the boss
Level 3 management people follow you because of what they see you do they want to learn from you.
Level 4 is when people follow you because of the investment up you make in them personally. Most people never get here because of their own insecurities ego, control and trust issues are biggest detriment to develop others.
Level 5 leadership is the highest form of leadership people follow you because of what stand for. This usually happens at the end of your career.
Welcome to the age of self management
Whether you like it or not the Henry Ford school of management is closed, post industrial management is dead the sooner you burry it the less it stinks up the place.
I really liked your podcast on Breeding pest control tech’s Everything you said is true. I really like the way you explain things and how you present them. Keep up the the good work. I’ll be here for the long haul.