v.6.1.0 (Pending review)
1. New “Dental Clinic” pre-made website added. 2. Improvements to headers: - revamped theme options structure; - improved mobile headers (added support for opacity, top bars, etc.); - dedicated top bar transparency setting for pages with transparent headers. 3. Improvements to floating headers transitions - now they are as smooth as the butter. :) 4. Overall pages scrolling performance improvements. 5. Improvements to "Microsite" template: top bar can be disabled. 6. Improvements to custom menu microwidget: added option to display it either as a drop-down menu or as a list. 7. 3d slider removed. Sorry folks - it was too resource-intensive and cumbersome. 8. Overal improvements to Wizard algorithms. 100+ under-the-hood improvements and fixes.
v.6.0.1 (Dec 7, 2017)
1. Improved: setting to enable Theme Options in the sidebar added. 2. Improved: standard WordPress Customizer re-enabled. 3. Fixed: Pre-made Websites import confirmation message not showing up. 4. Fixed: issue with "px" values of margins/paddings in Theme Options. Other minor improvements and fixes.
v.6.0.0 (Now 30, 2017)
1. New: theme white-label tool. 2. New: Front-end (visual) edit mode for Theme Options and Design Wizard. 3. New: "Agency" pre-made website (one-page). 4. Improved: better front-end page builder. 5. Improved: WooCommerce integration. 6. Improved: dedicated settings for mobile headers. Over 60 other improvements and fixes.
The7 v.5 updates history: http://the7.io/changelog-v5/