Respirators are required PPE for most pest control and wildlife control service in order to protect yourself from pesticide exposure and potential respiratory infections. tephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Blog: Papers: Videos: Podcasts: Phone: 406-272-5323 Mtn Time Helping people resolve conflicts with wildlife through teaching, training, writing,…
Tramp ants are the most difficult ants to control in the world because of their biology, in order to control tramps like ghost ants, big-headed ants, crazy ants, odorous house ants, and some fire ants you need to develop a control protocol around the biology.
Hal Coleman is a full time SPEAKER, CONSULTANT, TRAINER, COACH, MENTOR and ENTERTAINER. He brings his humorous and provocative presentations that are meant to disorient and dislodge old styles of thinking, clearing the way for NEW GROWTH. Hal’s expert ability in delivering precision information with humor drives the new information and the fresh, counter-intuitive information home into long…
Pest control law is not an exciting subject for pest control technicians yet they can unknowingly cost you tens of thousands of dollars in fines, reporting, and the irreparable damage to your reputation. FIFRA deals with pesticide application, manufacturing, storing, and disposal, OSHA deals with employee safety and exposure to pesticides, DOT deals with the…
Carl Childers is the owner of Robinhood Pest Solutions in Cleveland Ohio and the sorrounding areas, Carl has vast experience in dealing with audited accounts and how this knowledge allows him to perform pest control at the higest level.