Jeff McGovern the pest coach talks about getting into termite inspection shape for termite season. With the warm weather hopefully on the way. I see the weather reports up north and well it doesn’t look like it’s quite there yet. The ice and snow is still around but I guess as time passes the next…
Steven Vantassel I will talk today about helping your clients understand when they should you call a wildlife control professional and how to know if the animal is possibly sick or diseased? When is the trigger point on when we as professionals need to act? Home Owner Pay For Wildlife Control Not The City Sometimes…
And now for today’s topic a welcome to the pest geek podcast. I am Frank Hernandez your pest geek. And we’re going to be discussing Thigmotactic Insects and what are Thigmotactic Insects? These are insects that like to have their body touching something they’re touchy feely insects they like to feel protected and just like…
Ok so in this training we’re discussing tramp ants and what is so important about tramp ants. The fact that these guys are the seven most common invaders of homes in the U.S. and they have six characteristics that are primary to understanding why they’re so difficult to control and why it is that most…
Stephen Vantassel is going to talk today about. House mice. A lot of you are probably dealing with house mice But maybe you’re having situations where you’re just not getting the level of control that you want. And my suspicion is a part of this is due to the fact that we don’t have a…