All right. So I’ve got Walter Salazar from Walter Salazar pest control and you’re right. Walter you’re in Naples. Are you really in Naples Florida.We are in Lehigh Acres Florida. OK. So that’s like what are you What are you do you cover. We run from Marco Island to Port Charlotte. So we do almost…
Handling Canada Geese In Wildlife Control Being A Protected Species Stephen Vantassel here wildlife control consultant giving you a little other update for the wildlife. I wanted to talk today. Well now that spring is getting closer to us. Want to talk a little bit about Canada geese Canada geese are becoming a large problem…
Good morning Frank. This is Jeff McGovern the pest COACH. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALLOWING ME for yet another appearance if you will. on the pest geek podcast. up what I wanted to discuss. briefly today. is the success rate that we’ve been having with the natures defense rodent repellent. Natures Defense Rodent Repellent…
Stephen Vantassel here wildlife control consultant giving another episode of The Wild Life for pest geek podcast. Thank you for listening. Hey today I want to talk a little about the importance of note taking and how you can organize your notes so that you have. a continuous resource that you can build and then…
00:00:01] Stephen Vantassel here for living the wildlife on the talk today about deer mice because deer mice are a species of animal that are frequently ignored in the conversations about commensal rodents deer mice are more common than people give them credit for and they are rather ubiquitous. So I wondered who thought to…