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You can’t depend on the published wildlife information alone when it comes to wildlife control, why you need to create your wildlife calendar that comes from your own personal research and experience in your area especially in microclimates within your own state. Stephen M. Vantassel, CWCP, ACE Wildlife Control Consultant, LLC Helping people… Play in new window | Download | EmbedSubscribe: RSS
Stephen Vantassel here, wildlife control consultant, giving you another episode of Living the Wildlife. Wanted to talk today about some relatively new devices on the market when I mean relatively new, I mean, they’re not like new as of yesterday, but they’ve only been in the history of wildlife control. They’re relatively recent. We don’t…
Hey, welcome back. Welcome back to another edition of the Pest Geek Podcast. I am your host, Frank Hernandez. Hey, we’re gonna be discussing proper selection of exterior tier one, tamper resistant rodent bait stations. And we’re going to be tackling the law and some myth and facts on this podcast. So this is one…