Playing the sales game or simply failing, that’s the game. On today’s edition, The Pestgeek discusses the reality of being a pest control technician turned sole operator vs. being an integrated pest management sales pro. This is the dilemma of the solo operator. At the end of the day, most do not have the stomach…
This Palm Tree Is Not Aware That It Is Actually Dead
On today’s edition, an unhealthy palm tree: wrong size, wrong color. Most techs would likely recommend fertilizer. However, on close inspection we find the culprit: Ganoderma. This is a bacterial disease caused by a wood-decaying fungi known as Ganoderma. Once we find conk, it is too late to save. To prevent Ganoderma we recommend a…
What You Need To Know About Active Ingredients In The Rodenticide Known As Bromethalin
Starting with the Non-anticoagulant, fat soluble and relatively fast acting characteristics of this rodenticide and its effect on the nervous system, Stephen ends it with a wake up call to all professionals whose clients decide they can do their own pest control with the same chemicals and no training.On today’s edition of Living The Wildlife…
This Is How You Can Improve Your Tech’s Selling Skills & Confidence In Integrated Pest Management Through Role Playing.
How important is it to hone those selling skills as an integrated pest control technician? On today’s edition, the Pestgeek discusses the challenges of getting techs to upsell and why it is essential to hone those integrated pest management selling skills through role-playing. #pestcontroltraining #pestcontrol #pestcontrolservice #pest #termitecontrol #pestmanagement #bugs #pestcontrollife #antirayap #covid #termites #insects…